Quinta de Santa Cristina
Rua da Arroteia, 411 4465-587 Leça do Balio Porto, Portugal
229 571 700 229 571 740 geral@garantiadasquintas.com https://www.quintadesantacristina.pt/uploads/seo/big_1622039902_9704_logo-dark.png

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Privacy Policy

Quinta de Santa Cristina Privacy Policy.


Garantia das Quintas is a company that dedicates its activity to the production and commercialization of wines as well as to the wine tourism activities’ organization. In the pursuit of its activity, it needs to collect and process data from its customers, workers or third parties who relate to it, taking the role of Responsible for the Data Processing with all the obligations which that implies.
We know the importance that the personal data has for its holders, so they can exercise all their rights easily and free of charge through the following e-mail address: rgpd@ajpinto.pt


Garantia das Quintas’ main focus is its customers’ satisfaction, from whom needs to collect personal data. In parallel, it also needs to collect and process its workers’ data. And, notwithstanding the data processing is complementary to its activity, it guarantees doing it in strict compliance to the GDPR and the law.
We consider the privacy of our customers, workers and others essential and to what we will give the maximum protection.


We consider Personal Data all the information, regardless its nature or support, related to a natural person perfectly identified or identifiable. We consider identifiable every person who can be identified direct or indirectly, with an identifier, for instance, name, identification number, location, electronic identifier or other specific elements of physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity which help to find the identification of that natural person.


In order to provide the best service during our activity’s management, we handle the identification data (name, sex, civil and tax identification number, nationality, date of birth, or other personal data) and the contact details (address, phone number, e-mail address). Regarding our workers, we collect the same kind of data as mentioned above, plus data related to their marital status, household and academic qualifications, personal public service number.


The unique goal of the collection and the processing of our customers and workers’ data is the provision of services which belong to our mission and the celebration of employment contracts. The access to the personal data is made in a direct or indirect way, or even through the direct contact between customers and workers.


The Goals of the processing of your data are the contract management (employment and provision of services contracts) and the delivering of our best service and the fulfilment of legal and contractual obligations.
Regarding the legal grounds for the data processing, they are identified as (1) Consent (regarding the authorization for the image capture and promotion), (2) Contract processing and pre-contractual effects (when the personal data processing is necessary to the contract or provision of services signature, processing and management), (3) Legal obligation compliance (when the personal data processing is necessary to comply a legal obligation that the company is obliged to, as well as the communication of the data to police, justice, judicial, tax or regulatory authorities, or (4) Fulfilment of a legitimate interest of ours (when the personal data processing corresponds to a Garantia das Quintas’ legitimate interest), having as a cause (5) the protection of the vital interests of the customers or workers.
The data will be processed and preserved according to its goals and within the minimum necessary time period.


Your data can be processed by subcontractors, being provided to those entities only the necessary data to the required service execution.

We base our action as well as Third Parties and Subcontractors entities on the following data processing rules:
• personal data should be processed according to the data processing legal scheme, to this privacy policy and ensuring a legal, loyal and clear handling;
• collected data is used in a merely instrumental manner, intended to follow an assertive, specific and legitimate goal, without having an incompatible handling to these goals;
• we respect the data minimizer principle, collecting only the data we consider appropriate, relevant and necessary to the collection and processing goals;
• in line with the accuracy principle, we maintain your data exact and up to date whenever necessary, being adopted and provided to its holder all the necessary measures in order to guarantee his integrity;
• we assume the principle of concern by keeping your data safe in order to identify you only during the necessary time period to the preset goals of the data processing;
• we should handle your data according to the security principle – protect your data from a possible illegal and unauthorized handling, preventing it from possible losses, destruction or damage, adopting all the technical and organizational measures suitable to a data processing which guarantees data security, integrity and confidentiality;
• whenever asked your consent for the data processing, we should share the necessary information according to the data processing goals and we should keep loyal to those goals.


Personal data’s holders have the following rights, that they can exercise easily and free of charge:
Right of Access – right to confirm what is his personal data we are processing and have information about it.
Right to see or get a copy, for instance, of invoices or written agreements.
Right of Correction – right to request the correction of his personal data which is inaccurate and the right to request the completion of the incomplete personal data.
Right of Deletion or “right to be forgotten” – right to delete his personal data, since it does not exist valid justifications for its preservation, such as cases where Garantia das Quintas has to preserve data to comply a legal obligation or require the exercise of a right.
Right to Portability – right to receive the provided data in digital and machine-readable format.
Right to Withdraw Consent – when the data processing bases on the customer agreement, he has the right to revoke his consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not compromise the legality of the data processing made until then based on the consent given before.
Right of Objection – in cases where the data processing is made regarding the effects of Garantia das Quintas’ legitimate interests, or direct marketing purposes or the definition of profiles based on your preferences or personal interests, you may object to your personal data processing.
Right of Data Processing Limitation – right to request the limitation of your personal data, by (1) the suspension of the data processing or (2) the limitation of the data processing on specific data categories or data processing goals.
Right of Submission of Complaints – right to submit complaints to the monitoring authority, to the National Data Protection Commission, in addition to the possibility of submitting complaints directly to Garantia das Quintas, if you think your data is not being processed in a legitimate way.
The exercise of the rights is free of charge, except if you do it manifestly unfounded or excessively, in which case a fee can be charged. You should send an e-mail communicating your issue to the address: rgpd@ajpinto.pt


In order to guarantee the users, workers and other holders’ security, as well as the maximum confidentiality, Garantia das Quintas handles all personal data in a total confidential way, according to its policies and internal security and confidentiality procedures, those which are periodically updated according to its needs, as well as with the legally required terms and conditions.
According to the nature, scope, context and goals of data processing as well as the risks arising from the handling to their holders’ rights and liberties, we apply the necessary technical and organizational measures suitable to the data protection, both at the time when the processing means are set and the moment when the processing is made.
Garantia das Quintas is committed to ensure that only the necessary data for each specific goal is processed and that that it is not provided without any human intervention to an unlimited number of people.


Privacy Policy, as well as the collection, processing and transmission of Customers and Workers’ Data, is governed by the terms of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and the Council, of 27 April 2016 and the applicable legislation and regulation existing in Portugal. Every dispute arising from the Privacy Policy’s validity, interpretation or execution, or related to the collection, processing or transmission of the Customer’s data, should be submitted to the Porto’s Court Jurisdiction, without prejudice to the applicable mandatory legal rules.